Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Matt's Home and Bon Voyage Party!

It has been a crazy couple of days starting with Matt arriving home a day late because he missed his connection, but he finally got home! The welcome home committee that we were going to have meeting him at the airport didn't work out due to the missed flight but it was the best feeling in the world to hug and kiss him again!
My dad and stepmom hosted a goodbye party for us and all of favorite people came out to say goodbye. We seriously have some of the best friends ever and I feel so lucky to have all of them a part of our lives. Here are some pictures from the party! :)

We have one week left till we are off to England! This next week is full of excitement but a lot of tears and goodbyes. I know living in England is going to be an amazing experience for us but that doesn't take away from the fact that I will be living in another country without my friends and family around to make me laugh, spend the holidays with or have a shoulder to lean on when I need it. I will defiantly be living outside my comfort zone, but it will be good for me and I know I cannot go another day without living with my husband. 

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