So its only been about 4 days since we got to England but there are a couple things I have learned since being here....
1. The roads are small so practice all your curb hitting in the rental car BEFORE your car arrives.
2. Things are spelled differently here: curb is kerb and tires are spelled tyres I am sure there are many more but those make me laugh.
3. The british people love their pubs and beer, they don't let Sundays hold them back and I am pretty sure "sunday fun day" started here :)
4. I have never had to concentrate so hard as I do when I drive here. "Left side of the road stay on the left side of the road" constantly goes through my head, it's hard!
5. British kids and their accents are by far the cutest thing ever!
6. The bees are out to get you here. No joke, they attack and they love their beer too.
7. British people wear dark clothes which is unfortunate for me because all my bright neon clothing I brought is a huge indicator that I am American.
8. Round abouts are a tricky business, especially when its your first time on a huge five point roundabout. ALWAYS look right and NEVER shut your eyes and pray you get out alive.
9. Pay attention because cars will park on the side of the road and if you aren't looking you can hit a parked car really easily here.
10. Beer is flat and warm here, you get over it but what I wouldn't give for a cold IPA with some carbonation.
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