Thursday, August 22, 2013

We are in ENGLAND!

We made it to England safe and sound :) We have only had about 2 hours of sleep but we decided to stay up to try and beat the jet lag! Our friend Randy was nice enough to drive the 2 hours to Heathrow and pick us up and take us back to the base. It was really nice to have a friendly face greeting us when we got off the plane. Once we got to the base we went to a bunch of different places to check in and sign up for newcomers briefings and the driving class we are required to take. We got checked into our hotel and then went to rent a car! Everyone says you will get use to the whole driving on the other side of the road things but I honestly do not know how that is going to happen for me! It was so stressful driving around town and I wasn't even the one driving Matt was! The roads are so much smaller and the amount of times I thought we were going to hit someone had by heart rate up the entire drive! Regardless of that the area is beautiful and I really enjoyed driving through all the towns around base to do a little exploring :) When we were driving through a town called Littleport we caught a realtor showing a family a house and he agreed to show it to us too, and I loved it! Matt had found the same house online a couple months ago and it is still on the market. We are going to try and get all the paperwork started on it tomorrow! I know its the only house we have looked at but hey when you know you know and I have never been big on "shopping" even when it comes to houses. Looking forward to exploring more of the base tomorrow and maybe by the end of the weekend I will have the courage to try and drive! I am so glad we got here close to a weekend because there is so much boring stuff you have to do to in process that the weekend will be a nice break from everything and hopefully we can go get our first pint at a pub tonight.

I have no pictures to show this post because I don't have my iphone but hopefully get a phone tomorrow and I can share some pictures of the amazing towns around here!


  1. I'm so glad you made it safely and already fell in love with a house! :)

  2. hurrah guys. So glad you are there safe and sound Dad
