Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups

I am craving sweets again! Ug...I allowed them back into my life and now I have to start over with breaking my cravings. It is rough I tell you, I don't know why I did it in the first place. So in an attempt to keep myself from eating reeses pumpkin peanut butter cups (YUM!) I made shakeology peanut butter cups! They aren't bad, I mean don't get me wrong they aren't like Reeses but they help with my sugar tooth.

2 tsp. unrefined coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp. powdered chocolate peanut butter (like PB2)
2 tsp. Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
2 Tbsp. water
1. Combine oil and powdered peanut butter in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside.
2. Combine Shakeology and water in a small bowl; mix until it has a pudding-like consistency. Set aside.
3. Coat two foil muffin liners evenly with half of peanut butter mixture. Top evenly with Shakeology mixture and remaining peanut butter mixture.
4. Freeze for 30 minutes, or until firm.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trying to get back in the groove

After being on vacation for the past couple weeks it's always hard for me to get back into a routine. My body feel sluggish (Morgan and I have been sick the past couple days) and I just don't have the motivation to eat healthy and work out. But I am trying! I might not be 100% back to healthy eating, hence the pizza I had for dinner last night but I feel like each day I get up and try harder I will eventually get there.

On Tuesday I made my first recipe from the Fixate cookbook and it was so good! Macaroni and cheese with broccoli and good!

 I have still managed to get my shakeology in ever day and start my day off with a healthy breakfast! Although, I have not been feeling the eggs lately so I have been having my carbs in the morning, which is good but I find it hard to get in all 4 red protein containers the rest of the day!

I have started the 21 day fix extreme workout and OMG they are hard! My whole body is very sore after working out this week. I had to stop and take a couple breaks and use the modify again, which I haven't had to do with the regular 21 day fix DVDs so I guess it was time to push myself again :)

Morgan wasn't feeling a nap this morning so I had to improvise and do my workout with her in the room. Of course Disney Junior got the big TV ;)

The past couple of days Morgan hasn't been feeling well and has a fever and not eating much. Today was the first day she really showed interest in eating breakfast. Yummy chocolate chip muffin (not the healthiest choice but hey at least she is eating something!)

Monday, August 24, 2015

I'm Back!

Wow! It has been a crazy busy month of July. We traveled to Colorado and Maine with Morgan so she could meet all her family members and I just got back to Virginia and Matt is back in England. I tried to stay as healthy as possible on vacation, but I can feel the difference in my body and how my clothes fit when I indulge one to many times.

I am starting a 21 Day clean eating challenge group to start September 1st. But I am not waiting till September 1st to get back on track of of today I am back to day 1 of my 21 day program :)

I will try and be dilligent about updating everyday. It might not be as detailed as last time but I will share what meals i am eating (especially the ones I make from the new Fixate cookbook!)

Monday, July 20, 2015

21 Day Fix Review: Before and After

I made it! 21 days of diligence and hard work paid off. There were moments of weakness during the 21 days and the occasional "cheat meal" but I would say 80% of the time I stuck to the program and because of that I finally lost the last bit of pregnancy weight that I had been carrying for over a year. I absolutely love this program and I don't intend to just stop what I have been working for over the last three weeks. I believe you can modify this program and use it everyday to continue a healthier lifestyle.

I love the workouts. You can do them at your house and they are only 30 minutes! There are no excuse not to do them, you have 30 minutes in your day to be on facebook or watch tv so you have 30 minutes to do a quick but effective workout.

I love the containers. The containers really train your brain on how much food you should be eating and because the food you can put in the container is all whole foods you eliminate process foods without even realizing it! The biggest struggle for people when it comes to losing weight is in the kitchen. You can have the most intense 2 hour workout and ruin it all in the kitchen. If you miss a workout that is fine but if you stop following the eating program you will not see results.

I love shakeology. Shakeology really helped me through the three weeks. It increased my energy and it was the drink I most looked forward to everyday (especially the chocolate, banana and peanut butter one). You can be benefical on the program without shakeology but you will see better results when you use it. I have done the 21 day fix with and without the shakeology and hands down I had better results when I used it.

I love my challenge group! I was part of a challenge group of a couple other woman on a secret facebook group and we helped encourage each other through the three weeks. We had to share our struggles and successes with each other and get to know each other. This group helped me keep accountable and really pushed me further than I could have gone on my own.

So now is the time to share my before and after pictures....I never thought I would do this online but if I can help one person struggling with their weight or their lifestyle and show them it only takes 21 days to change your mind and body than it is worth it. I absolutely recommend this program to new moms as well because the workouts are do able with a little one at home and it really helps jump start that weight loss from pregnancy.

I lost 4 pounds and 10 inches!! and I can really start to feel my muscles coming back :)

I became a Beachbody coach because I truly believe in the programs and products. If you are interested in the 21 days fix or any of the Beachbody programs I would love to talk to you about them and find the best one to fit your lifestyle. Send me an email at

Saturday, July 18, 2015

21 Day Fix: Days 15-20

OK so I started to slack majorly with my posts! I can assure you I am still doing the 21 day fix and loving it, I just haven't had time to post my meals and pictures. Tomorrow is my last day but I am going to keep going past 21 days and continue to eat this way. The results I have gotten from this program are beyond what I could have ever hoped.

Tomorrow I will be posting my "before and after" pictures (cringe!!!) I don't want to do it but I am proud of my after pictures so that means having to show my "before"

I am not going to put what I ate all day today but I will share what i had for breakfast and lunch.....

Breakfast: Tropical fruit salad with 1/2 red containre of plan greek yogurt

Snack: 1 hard boil egg and chocolate shakeology mixed with almond milk and blueberries.

Lunch: left over healthy chicken salad (made with greek yogurt) on lettuce and 10 baby carrots

Ok hope everyone has a good Saturday I am off to Costco to get another weeks worth of 21 day fix approved food.

My mom is still doing the 21 days so its keeping me on track :)

Oh except Monday I am having one cheat meal...a donut from Duck donuts and I cannot wait!!! (I may be a little too excited about this donut haha)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 13 and 14

I am getting really bad at posting these and getting good pictures. Now that I am back in VA it's harder to find time to get on the computer especially when we have gotten to go to the pool the past 3 days in a row :)

Day 13:

Breakfast: 2 Eggs, 2 Slices of Turkey Bacon, Toast and 1 Tsp Almond Butter - 1 1/2 Red Yellow 1 Tsp

Snack: Chocolate Shakeology with 1 Tsp peanut butter and water/ice: Red 1 Tsp

Lunch: Salad with cucumber, carrots, tomato, 3 slices of deli turkey and creamy herb dressing (21 day fix) - 2 Green 1/2 Red Orange 

Snack: Fruit - Purple

Dinner: 2 corn tacos with ground turkey cilantro and avocado and carrot sticks - Yellow Red Blue Green

Dessert: Strawberries and nectarines - Purple

Day 14:

I have lost 8 inches and 5lbs so far :) I will wait till the end of the 21 days to show my after pictures, but so far I am extremely happy with the program and seeing my body change for the better.

Breakfast: coffee and almond milk. 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1 tsp almond butter, fruit - Yellow Purple 1 Tsp

Snack: Strawberry tropical vegan shakeology (this was awful! glad I only had a sample of it) Red

Lunch: Egg salad (made with greek yogurt) on a slice of whole wheat bread - Red Yellow

Snack: Hummus and carrot sticks/cherry tomatoes and cottage cheese - Green Blue Red

Dinner: Grilled Chicken, yellow squash, salad with 21 day fix dressing - Red 2 Green Orange

Dessert: Strawberries and nectarine Purple

Saturday, July 11, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 12

Day 11 was a rough traveling day with Morgan back to the USA so I pretty much just ate what I needed to to survive :) So onto day 12....This was also the day my mom started the program! wahoo for family workouts :)

Breakfast: Coffee and Almond milk. Oatmeal with cinnamon, 1 Tsp of peanut butter and raspberries and strawberries. - Yellow Purple 1 Tsp

Snack: Chocolate Shakeology- Red

Lunch: Salmon with tomato, cucumber and avocado salad. - 1 1/2 Red Green Blue

Snack: 1 slice of whole wheat bread, 1 Tsp peanut butter and 1 Hard boiled egg - Yellow 1/2 Red 1 Tsp

Dinner: Salad with carrots, cucumber and tomato and a lean burger with creamy herb dressing (for 21 day fix book) 2 Green Red Orange

Dessert: 1/2 Banana Purple

Sorry not as many pictures this time!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 10

Breakfast: Another yummy slice of banana bread with 1 Tsp peanut butter - Yellow & 1 Tsp

Snack: Raspberries and strawberries - Purple

Lunch: Salad with 1 hard boiled egg, carrots, cucumbers and left over pulled pork from last night with light Italian dressing - 2 Green, 1 1/2 Red & Orange

Snack: 1/2 scoop of shakeology and 12 almonds - 1/2 Red & Blue

I also had an ice green tea from starbucks but it doesn't count as anything cause I was unsweetened.

I still had another red to eat so later I had some cottage cheese - Red

Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Brown Rice and cucumber and tomato salad - Red Green & Yellow

Dessert: More raspberries and strawberries and 1 Tsp peanut butter  - Purple & 1 Tsp

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 9

I took a couple days break from documenting my meals because we were at a lake cabin and had bad internet service. However, I still stuck to the 21 day fix as much as a could (I may have had a couple more glasses of wine than I was allowed, but I refrained from eating sweets and still worked out). The day we drove home we spent a lot of time in the car and didn't have time to get a workout in so I did a double workout today: Dirty 30 and Upper Fix

When I got home I made up some yummy fix approved banana bread (recipe on the blog) and had that for breakfast this morning with a tsp of peanut butter. Yellow  & 1 Tsp

Here is what I ate the rest of the day....

Snack: Raspberries and strawberries with half a container of plain yogurt with a little honey - Purple & 1/2 Red

Lunch: Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese and tuna and Italian dressing - 2 Green Blue Orange & 1/2 Red

Snack: Mocha Shakeology (1 scoop of chocolate, 1 cup cold coffee, ice) - Red

I was still a little hungry later so I had some cottage cheese - Red

Dinner: Pulled pork (21 day fix approved recipe I found on Pinterest), whole wheat bun, mixed veggies - Red Yellow Green 

Dessert: Banana with cinnamon and 1 tsp peanut butter - Purple & 1 Tsp 

Monday, July 6, 2015

21 Day Fix Banana Bread Recipe

Happy Tuesday! I found an awesome banana bread recipe online yesterday and had a couple overripe banana on hand so decided to make something new for breakfast this week. The recipe is 21 day fix approved and taste awesome! I added 1 tsp of peanut butter to my slices this morning and it counted as 1 Yellow & 1 Tsp.

Recipe from:

2 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3 ripe bananas
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/4 cup honey
2 eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla
1.  Preheat oven to 350 and grease pan.
2.  Whisk together the flour, baking soda and salt.
3.  In a separate bowl mix mashed bananas with yogurt, honey, eggs, oil and vanilla.
4.  Fold the banana mixture into the flour mixture until blended. Do not over mix.
5.  Pour the batter into prepared pan.
6. Bake large loaf for 40-50mins or until it comes out clean with a toothpick.

Eating healthy while traveling - Lake District

Finding healthy options while on the go can be difficult but not impossible. You need to plan ahead to help yourself resist temptation. For 4th of July weekend we went up to a lake house with some friends. The car ride was about 4 1/2 hours so I packed some healthy snack so we would not be tempted to stop at a fast food restaurant on the drive.

These tuna packets are so great when you are on the go and taste good too!

We also had a kitchen at the lake house we stayed at so we loaded up a bunch of coolers and cooked every meal at the house. This was awesome and made it even easier to make sure I wasn't tempted with sweats.

While cake and sweets are readily available especially during a holiday I tried to stick to my Shakeology and fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth. A fruit salad is a great dessert after dinner :)

We had such an awesome time at the lake and my friend Ashley and I still managed to get in a couple runs during the trip. We got to relax, let the kids play and eat good food :) I didn't have great cell service there and forgot to take pictures of all the food I ate but I will get back at it tomorrow to document my 21 day fix journey. Hope you had a great 4th of July!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 4

I am feeling great today and have so much energy. When you fuel your body with whole real foods and cut out the processed foods and sugar it is crazy how much better you start to feel. I use to wake up so tired (even if I got 8 hours of sleep) and it would take me a couple hours to even feel like I had enough energy to tackle the day. Now, I wake up and feel energized and have enough energy to get in an early morning workout and chase Morgan around all day. 

Here is what I am eating today!

Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat bagel, 2 tsp peanut butter and 1 small banana - Yellow 2 Tsp & Purple

Snack: 2 hard boil eggs - Red

You can kind of see Morgan on the monitor throwing everything out of her crib! haha 

Lunch: Left over stir fry veggies, brown rice and leftover salmon from Tuesday dinner - 2 Green Yellow & Red

Snack: Chocolate Mocha Shakeology (1 cup cold decaf coffee, 1 cup ice and 1 scoop chocolate shakeology...SO GOOD!) and peanuts - Red & Orange
(I was looking forward to my shakeology all day!)

Dinner: Baked chicken (I used the 21 day fix southwest seasoning on the chicken, so good!) and broccoli with melted cheese - Red Green & Blue

Dessert: Blueberries and nectarine (cut up and what ever I could fit into the purple container) - Purple

I also made these awesome oatmeal blueberry muffins for my trip to the lake this weekend to stay healthy :) I will be eating these for breakfast to start my morning off to a good start. (see recipe below)

1 muffin is 1/2 Purple and 1/2 Yellow. 

Baked Oatmeal Cups with Bananas and Berries
(Makes 12 servings, 1 cup each)
Total Time: 45 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 30 min.
Nonstick cooking spray
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
2 large bananas, mashed
1 Tbsp. raw honey
2½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
1 Tbsp. ground cinnamon
1½ tsp. baking powder
1½ cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup fresh blueberries (or raspberries)
1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. Prepare twelve muffin cups by coating with spray. Set aside.
3. Combine eggs, extract, bananas, and honey in a large bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Combine oats, cinnamon, and baking powder in a medium bowl; mix well.
5. Add oat mixture to egg mixture; mix well.
6. Add almond milk; mix well.
7. Divide oat mixture evenly between prepared muffin cups.
8. Top evenly with blueberries.
9. Bake 26 to 30 minutes, or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
(Recipe from

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 3

I was a little hungry on day 1 and 2 but today I have noticed that I am staying full and satisfied for longer. I also receive my chocolate shakeology in the mail today and it tastes awesome!

Breakfast: 1/2 whole wheat bagel, 2 tsp peanut butter and 1 small banana - Yellow 2 Tsp & Purple

Snack: Chocolate Shakeology Red

Ok so I was skeptical about Shakeology for awhile and didn't want to spend the money to buy it. I thought it was just like all other protein powders but it seriously is not! It is full of healthy whole foods and taste great and gives you so much energy. I bought the chocolate to go along with my 21 day fix and got it in the mail today. I used one of the recipes they recommend and blended together 1 scoop of chocolate shakeology, 1 tsp of peppermint extract, 1 cup of water and ice and it tasted like a peppermint chocolate milkshake. I am seriously a huge fan of this stuff!

Lunch: The last of my chicken lettuce wraps- Red & Green

Snack: Cucumber slices and almonds- Green & Blue

Dinner: Stir fry (Meat, veggies and brown rice) - Yellow Red & Green 

Dessert: Plain Yogurt, Nectarine and Pumpkin Seeds with a little bit of honey - Red Purple & Orange

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 2 & Pool Time

Day 1 was a success sticking to the 21 day fix! The first week of any program is usually easy for me because I am so motivated in the beginning, and then I tend to forget why I started the program in the first place and start to cheat. BUT this time there will be no cheating!

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 slices of turkey bacon and sliced up nectarine and banana & Coffee - Red & Purple

Snack: Yogurt & Pumpkin Seeds - Red & Orange

Lunch: Chicken Lettuce Wraps  (I made enough for 3 lunches this week!) -  Green Red 

Snack: Toast with mashed avocado and cucumber slices - Yellow  & Blue & Green

Dinner: Salmon, sweet potato and broccoli - Red Yellow & Green

Dessert: Watermelon and peanut butter (not together but I love peanut butter by itself) - Purple & 2 Tsp

It was a beautiful day today so I figured it would be a good day to break out the baby pool! What is cuter than babies playing in the water together...but of course Morgan hated the baby pool haha

Morgan's 1 Year Elmo Birthday Party

It's no secret Morgan loves Elmo, so what better way to celebrate her turning one than with an Elmo themed birthday party!

I made a fruit platter of Elmo's face and hot glued some googly eyes and orange noses to red solo cups to go with the theme.

My friend had a red tutu and red bow for Morgan to wear so I painted Elmo eyes and nose on a white onesie. It didn't turn out perfect but it worked and everyone knew who she was supposed to be :) 

She wasn't exactly sure what to do with the cake but she had a couple friends that helped show her how to cake smash.

Once she got the hang of it there was no stopping her....

I forgot to get a picture of the Elmo cake before we cut into it..opps!

It was a great 1st birthday party and Morgan had a great time with her friends eating cake! She was so hyped up on sugar the girl stayed up till 9pm!