Wednesday, July 8, 2015

21 Day Fix: Day 10

Breakfast: Another yummy slice of banana bread with 1 Tsp peanut butter - Yellow & 1 Tsp

Snack: Raspberries and strawberries - Purple

Lunch: Salad with 1 hard boiled egg, carrots, cucumbers and left over pulled pork from last night with light Italian dressing - 2 Green, 1 1/2 Red & Orange

Snack: 1/2 scoop of shakeology and 12 almonds - 1/2 Red & Blue

I also had an ice green tea from starbucks but it doesn't count as anything cause I was unsweetened.

I still had another red to eat so later I had some cottage cheese - Red

Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Brown Rice and cucumber and tomato salad - Red Green & Yellow

Dessert: More raspberries and strawberries and 1 Tsp peanut butter  - Purple & 1 Tsp

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