Monday, July 20, 2015

21 Day Fix Review: Before and After

I made it! 21 days of diligence and hard work paid off. There were moments of weakness during the 21 days and the occasional "cheat meal" but I would say 80% of the time I stuck to the program and because of that I finally lost the last bit of pregnancy weight that I had been carrying for over a year. I absolutely love this program and I don't intend to just stop what I have been working for over the last three weeks. I believe you can modify this program and use it everyday to continue a healthier lifestyle.

I love the workouts. You can do them at your house and they are only 30 minutes! There are no excuse not to do them, you have 30 minutes in your day to be on facebook or watch tv so you have 30 minutes to do a quick but effective workout.

I love the containers. The containers really train your brain on how much food you should be eating and because the food you can put in the container is all whole foods you eliminate process foods without even realizing it! The biggest struggle for people when it comes to losing weight is in the kitchen. You can have the most intense 2 hour workout and ruin it all in the kitchen. If you miss a workout that is fine but if you stop following the eating program you will not see results.

I love shakeology. Shakeology really helped me through the three weeks. It increased my energy and it was the drink I most looked forward to everyday (especially the chocolate, banana and peanut butter one). You can be benefical on the program without shakeology but you will see better results when you use it. I have done the 21 day fix with and without the shakeology and hands down I had better results when I used it.

I love my challenge group! I was part of a challenge group of a couple other woman on a secret facebook group and we helped encourage each other through the three weeks. We had to share our struggles and successes with each other and get to know each other. This group helped me keep accountable and really pushed me further than I could have gone on my own.

So now is the time to share my before and after pictures....I never thought I would do this online but if I can help one person struggling with their weight or their lifestyle and show them it only takes 21 days to change your mind and body than it is worth it. I absolutely recommend this program to new moms as well because the workouts are do able with a little one at home and it really helps jump start that weight loss from pregnancy.

I lost 4 pounds and 10 inches!! and I can really start to feel my muscles coming back :)

I became a Beachbody coach because I truly believe in the programs and products. If you are interested in the 21 days fix or any of the Beachbody programs I would love to talk to you about them and find the best one to fit your lifestyle. Send me an email at

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