Monday, July 6, 2015

Eating healthy while traveling - Lake District

Finding healthy options while on the go can be difficult but not impossible. You need to plan ahead to help yourself resist temptation. For 4th of July weekend we went up to a lake house with some friends. The car ride was about 4 1/2 hours so I packed some healthy snack so we would not be tempted to stop at a fast food restaurant on the drive.

These tuna packets are so great when you are on the go and taste good too!

We also had a kitchen at the lake house we stayed at so we loaded up a bunch of coolers and cooked every meal at the house. This was awesome and made it even easier to make sure I wasn't tempted with sweats.

While cake and sweets are readily available especially during a holiday I tried to stick to my Shakeology and fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth. A fruit salad is a great dessert after dinner :)

We had such an awesome time at the lake and my friend Ashley and I still managed to get in a couple runs during the trip. We got to relax, let the kids play and eat good food :) I didn't have great cell service there and forgot to take pictures of all the food I ate but I will get back at it tomorrow to document my 21 day fix journey. Hope you had a great 4th of July!

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